Art Foundry Appenzell

In the middle of Appenzell, on the Postplatz, stands a beautiful old house dedicated to traditional arts and crafts. On the first floor hides the art foundry of Sybille Bichsel. In her small workshop she makes the most wondrous things, cast from pewter. Among other things, the animal heads that we offer here at Foundandfound as coat hooks or furniture handles.

After casting, she refines each piece by hand, in the end each is unique. She also makes the alloy herself with 97 percent tin, the rest she keeps secret. She does, however, reveal that she does not use lead. Sybille learned the traditional craft a few years ago from one of the last pewterers. As a career changer, she has the necessary open-mindedness to experiment from time to time. So she creates with traditional craft unique and new.